District Clerk

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Vicki Vines

Tom Green County District Clerk 


The District Clerk is elected for a four-year term and supports the District Courts.

The Clerk is
recorder and custodian of all court pleadings, instruments
and papers that are part of any cause of action in any civil or criminal district court.

Staff and Department Directory

Vicki Vines
District Clerk
Mayra Martinez
Chief Deputy

Civil/Family Department

Felony Department

Phone: 325-659-6579 Phone: 325-659-6582 
Supervisor:  Mayra Martinez 51st / 340th Clerks: Supervisor Josephine Tarraferro  
Bookkeeper: Denice Dickson Mikaela Malley
Jury Administrator: Stephanie Murtaugh
AG Clerk:
119th / 391st Clerks:
51st Court / Constable Clerk: Rozanna Estrada Karleigh Blackwell
119th Clerk: Amy Martin
340th Clerk: Albina Martinez Magistrate Clerks:  Mikaela Malley
391st Clerk: Erica Torres

Karleigh Blackwell


CPS Clerk:  
Clerk: Savanna Hoyle
Juvenile Court Clerks: 

Josephine Tarraferro

Court Services Unit

Phone: 325-659-6581
Supervisor: Gloria Mata
51st Court Clerk: Kelsey Alexander
119th Court Clerk: Amanda Cortez
340th Court Clerk: Rose Birdsong
391st Court Clerk: Cristy Paulette
Collections: Maria Ortiz (Carmen)


03/25/2024 - Attorney and Public Access

The attorney and public access websites are back to functioning normally. Please contact our office at 325-659-6579 if you continue to experience any issues. Thank you!


1/1/2022 - New Fee Structure

The 87th Legislative session passed Senate Bill 41 and will become effective on January 1, 2022. This new legislation modifies the current fee structure and costs of County and District Court filings. To see the new fee structure, please click the following link  

2022 NEW District Clerk Detailed Fees

Additional Resources

Resource for Zoom Hearings

Please see this attached article as a free resource to improve and understand your Zoom Hearings and Meetings. This was provided graciously by Graham Sutliff out of Austin, Texas.

Zoom Best Practices for Legal Proceedings 

Updated Orders

Standing Order Regarding Property & Conduct of Parties in Divorce

Standing Order for Kid's Sake

Order Appointing Visiting Associate Judge to Child Support Court

Juror Information

Respond to a Jury Summons Online

To respond to a Jury Summons Online, please select the link above.

February Jury Panel Status

To Check the Current Status of your Jury Panel Online, please select the link above
(Updated 02/04/2025) 

Jury Medical Exemption Form

Jury Age Exemption Form

If you would like to be permanently exempt from Jury Service due to an ongoing medical condition, please complete this form and return to the clerk

 If you would like to be permanently exempt from Jury Service due to age considerations (75 and over), please complete this form and return to the clerk. 

Useful Forms and Links

Excess Proceeds

 List of Tom Green County Excess Funds  - (Updated 10/15/2024)

Important Links

Important Contact Information 

Texas Judiciary Online Attorney Login Attorney General (Local) (325) 653-7326
Records Search Excess Funds List CVPDO - Public Defender (325) 229-4671
eFile County Clerk (325) 659-6551
Certified Payments - Civil/Family
County Attorney (325) 659-6562
Certified Payments - Felony District Attorney (325) 659-6583
District Court Administrator (325) 659-6569
Federal District Clerk (325) 655-4506
Civil Service (Constables) (325) 659-6557
Civil Service (Sheriff) (325) 655-8111
West TX Legal Service (325) 653-3682
Meet in the Middle (325) 486-9529